Innovation management is the process of developing ideas from inception through implementation to successful introduction and scalable, sustainable growth.
Start to Scale
On a scale for success from 0 to 10, consider how founders feel at the start of the innovation journey? From 0-2 the journey is exciting and invigorating, driven by lively conversations and big ideas. And if it’s not exciting at this stage, then maybe it’s time to rethink. Our role is to align feasibility, viability and desirability – does it work, will it generate revenue and do enough people want or need what you have chosen to create?

Think Design
“Thinking like a designer can transform the way organizations develop products, services, processes, and strategy. This approach, which is known as design thinking, brings together what is desirable from a human point of view with what is technologically feasible and economically viable. It also allows people who aren’t trained as designers to use creative tools to address a vast range of challenges”

Messy Middle
The next stage from 3-7 is the messy middle – the make-or-break experience, that can last for years, or be over in a matter of months, depending on what you are developing, how robust and skilled are your team and is the experience the one you imagined? This is the critical stage where we believe that supporting founders through Executive Coaching is a critical as supporting the process itself.

Stages 7-8 are all about adapting, pivoting and rethinking, as a result of customer discovery, prototyping, pitching and negotiations. Essential but never easy. Having to let goof your original vision and re-evaluate, is tough.

Success is not final
Serial entrepreneur, or committed to your innovation for life? What does success mean to you?The stage from 8-10 is when you reconcile your original definition of success with your outcomes. Working with a trusted external partner can help you explore whether your original vison of success is the one you hold today. How do you define success? Achieving financial goals, delivering for your your investors, building a motivated and driven team or solving the problem that led you to the start of this journey?

Innovate from within
Why successful organisations strive to innovate from within.
Innovation is an essential process for organisations, at the lowest level it isessential to maintain market position and an imperative for growth. Innovation within organisations is fundamentally dependent on the strength of the leadership team and company culture. We have worked with many organisations on internal innovation initiatives, here are three examples.

To drive innovation and deliver new solutions for people living with arthritis Versus Arthritis was formed in 2018 following a merger of Arthritis Care and Arthritis Research UK. To drive innovation and improve the lives of those suffering from arthritis, a research strategy is in place to support independent organisations to develop solutions to make arthritis preventable, manageable and preventable.

Working with the Institute of Continuing Education, University of Cambridge alongside Dr Helen Meese we contributed to a bespoke program combining classroom teaching, interactive workshops & coaching. In 2022 the program was delivered via a hybrid solution which enabled students working outside the UK to participate. In 2023 we will be working face to face snd addressing the role of innovation in healthcare.

We participated in the Design Council Tech Spark Challenge as a member of the Judging Panel for three consecutive years, assessing over 360 applications per year from participants applying for a highly sought after place on the 16 week design accelerator program to support inventors to prototype and test their ideas, develop business plans ad take them to market. Deborah Meaden, all round gloriously inspirational entrepreneur and investor.